Welcome to Patient Education!
Our office consists of four board-certified pediatricians who follow the standards of the American Academy of Pediatrics in the care of infants, children and young adults. These standards specify periodic physical examinations, immunizations, blood counts, urinalyses and hearing and vision screening. All drugs, vaccines, procedures and treatments are used in accordance with standards set by recognized national authorities.
During your child’s first few years of life, it is critical to be seen by a provider frequently to monitor social, mental and physical development. We see patients for routine check-ups and immunizations at 2 days (post discharge from the hospital with our lactation specialist Geri for breastfed babies), 1 week, 1 month, 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months, 15 months, 18 months and 2 years. After your child turns 2, we recommend yearly check-ups (may vary according to circumstances).
As your child’s pediatrician, our primary goal is to ensure good health. One of the best ways to do this is by prevention of serious illnesses with vaccines. We recommend, after careful study, vaccines which we feel are safe. These are endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Center for Disease Control. If you have concerns or reservations about immunizing your child, please come to us for reliable information and guidance.
We are pleased that you have chosen us as your pediatricians! Please browse the following links for helpful information about caring for your baby.
Bottle Feeding Your Baby
Breast Feeding Your Baby
Caring For Your Newborn
How to Manage a Fever
Car Safety
Crib Safety
Helpful Web Site Links:
American Academy of Pediatrics:
General Health Information:
Traveling Health/Diseases:
Food Allergies:
(may require membership for some information)
Patient Forms:
New Patient Paperwork:
New Patient Handout
New Patient Information
Medical History
Review of Systems Questionnaire
Medical Records Authorization Form:
Medical Records Request Authorization Form
KHSAA Sports Physical Form: